Just got engaged? Now what? Do these 7 things ASAP!

Your sweetie popped the question! Now you’ve started the long runup to the big day. Being newly engaged can be surprisingly overwhelming- but we’re here to help! Here’s our top tips on things to do once you announce your engagement, so you can enjoy this happy time stress-free
1. Enjoy the Panic, Too
No, we aren’t sadists! But know that it’s perfectly normal to feel a bunch of feelings once the question gets popped and the ring hits your finger. And some of them may surprise you. So if a bit of panic, or even sadness, pops up, don’t beat yourself up about it. Catapulting yourself to a new phase of life comes with some nostalgia for the old and worry about the new built in. Just let yourself process it healthily (or get some help to do so) and soon you’ll be back on the bliss train to the big day
2. Take time together
People are going to be super-excited for you- and that’s amazing. But…. it can also be very overwhelming, and may stress some quieter brides and grooms-to-be out. All the questions, all the commentary (there’s always someone)... you know what we mean. So take some time to live in your own little bubble together and just be happy about the future you’re planning together, too. Don’t feel too pressured by other people’s expectations- take time to enjoy the moment for yourselves. An engagement photo shoot is a great excuse for some intimate moments together- and gives you some fab photos to announce with, too.
3. Use Circle Theory
Who to tell first? If you’re someone who is active socially, answering that question alone will be overwhelming enough. We suggest recycling circle theory (support in, complaining out) for a happier purpose. You’re the couple right in the middle. Next comes family, then friends who may as well be family, then everyone else. If you need to add a few more stages, go ahead! While this may delay your blanket social media posts to celebrate, it’s good etiquette to ensure your most beloved ones hear it from you personally before they see it as an Insta post. And give it a personal touch- make a call to the people who are nearest and dearest. Don’t confine such a happy moment to text or DM!
4. Be Glamorous, But Practical
See that sparkly ring on your finger? It ought to be insured. Sure, that’s not the most exciting part of being engaged, but if something should happen to the new bling, you’ll be glad you were smart and organised it! Likewise, you might want to think about getting the ring properly sized (if you need) by a professional jewellery so it fits like the dream you’re living.
It may not be the coolest wedding conversation ever, but now is also a great time to sit down with your spouse-to-be and talk numbers, budget, non-negotiables, priorities, and expectations. Remember, it’s both your weddings, and you don’t want to steamroll anyone. If they’re planning to invite the town and you want an intimate ceremony, that’s a hitch to sort out now. You’re going to want to place an emphasis on talking to each other, not just others, throughout your engagement journey, too.
5. Choose Your Corner
Who is going to be in your corner? You might want to give them a heads up. You don’t have to jump into planning immediately, of course! But it's a good idea to start thinking about the special circle who are going to shoulder some of the planning burden. That way, you can give them the heads up they need to start preparing too. Of course, if you want to throw your own engagement party or use only pro vendors for the wedding planning, you don’t need this courtesy as much, but letting your special people know you may need them to plan dates and other events around assisting with your wedding is only kind.
6. Correct the Time Stream
Or, for the non-nerds, think about your timeline. Nope, no matter how many people ask, you don’t have to pick a date immediately. But it’s smart to have a general sense of how you intend the transition from engagement to big day to go. This will keep you and your special someone on the same page, and help others who may be planning showers and parties to know what’s expected. Are you looking to get hitched in a hurry, or will this be a leisurely affair?
This is also a great time to start soaking in some inspiration. Again, that doesn’t mean you need to have everything finalised by the end of the week! But the more you dabble in what you want, the firmer your ideas and planning will be when it does come to crunch time. So create your guilty pleasures Pinterest board and let yourself dream a bit.
7. When Not to Dawdle
There are a few places where sooner is a lot better than later, though. Great wedding photographers are often booked up to a year and a half in advance- so the earlier you get your shortlist sorted and approach potential vendors, the more likely you are to get who you want. The same goes for popular venues- you can skip this if you’re looking for somewhere off the beaten track, or planning a backyard celebration. And while there’s no rush, having a date set decently far out gives you plenty of time, causes less stress, and lets other people plan to be there for you. So try to get that key date sorted as soon as you can- even if it’s not by the end of the first week! This might be a good time to fire up a wedding app like Hitched, too, to help you record details, remind yourself of deadlines you set, and keep everything in one place. If you’d rather go old school cool, get a wedding planning book instead.
Last, but certainly not least, savour the whole journey! You’re entering a very special time in your life, so don’t rush through it. Stop and smell the flowers- even if it’s just to see if you want them in your bouquet!